A Hidden Gem!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Fireflies and lemonade.... Those were the days !

So I have long past decided that I need to be three people, and not me, myself and I but three of me! So much to do and so little time to do it in.
I have been busy with projects since my last entry, but not just my projects ... My son has probably anywhere from 2-4 class projects per week not to mention class work, homework, studying, religion, and Spanish
and now French. Let's not forget sports after school every day then a thirty to forty minute mad dash home to organize said days work, projects, study, and get the next days ready and loaded up. I don't work outside of my home and it's a full time job in it's self not to mention the time and money that goes into school projects! Yikes... Well... It could be that I am extremely anal about school projects and micro manage them and my son to death... Poor kid! It's a disease... I just can't let him send in a medioaker,what everyone else would think of doing project, No way!
Think out of the box! Think out of the box! In fact.... Don't even go near the box... So we stray away as far as we can into the great wide open!
Open minds and creative thoughts and come up with things that make the teachers go hmmm?
That's what I'm about and have always tried to teach my children to think that way. Don't take the easy way out, don't do the first thing that comes to your mind, and don't do what everyone else is doing. That's what sets you apart from the rest.. Not that there is anything wrong with the rest but you want the eyes to do that double look, and to be drawn in.
You want them to come back for more. I have two children that have accomplished that and are both artists. My youngest marches to the beat of a different drum. Artistic ... Not too sure yet but unique he is! Brilliant and quick minded and would argue with God. I'm thinking Harvard sounds good!
And that is why I have benn tied up for several months.
I am in flight as I type this .. Seems to be the only way I can make myself sit down and get caught up on everything. Take me away from home and everything that needs to be done there.
How did this world get so crazy busy to where having dinner with your family in the evening has to be a planned event?
What happened to the good ole' days of the simple life, sipping on an ice cold lemoade on the front porch while the kids roamed the neighborhood at night, in the dark, chasing fireflies and holding them captive in a mason jar, smashing them and making glow in the dark jewelry out of them? Oh ... And did I mention that the kids ran around by them selves at night with no worries of some freak grabbing them up and shoving them Into to a car?
Yes those are the days that I miss and wish I could have given to my children.
I can only imagine that heaven will be somewhat like that for children and more! That makes me smile.
So I will be back to the drawing board soon with more designs and plans for our ETSY store. Also hopefully will have a website up by summer as well. So my posts may be far and few between in order to prepare for this goal. Will post when ETSY is up and running and available for purchases.
In the mean time keep an eye on our Face Book page for updates.
God bless and remember to stop and smell the roses. Take that lemonade out to the porch swing and listen to the sounds of your children chasing fireflies .... And if you can't hear that sound anymore, then maybe we should all take the time and go to that place where life is just a little more simple, just for a little while anyway.
Be back soon!